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Free-CGI Classified Ads

Users can post information on buying, selling and/or trading possessions.

Automatically order the ads into the categories you define. Approve and publish new advertisements instantly.

Add, modify or delete, the ads in your website quickly and easily using the classified ads program.

You can customize the look of your classifieds to make it appear as an integral part of your website.

See a Demo of the Classified Ads

Here is how you can integrate classified ads into your website in 3 easy steps:

Step 1.- Register your Free-CGI username.

Step 2.- Customize your Free-CGI application.

Step 3.- Link your classified ads from the pages in your website, using the following code:

<a href=http://www.free-cgi.com/freecgi/classads/
classads.php?User=your-username>Classified Ads</a>

That's it!

Approve and remove ads and ad categories in your website with the
Classified Ads Management Program.

Free-CGI.com is updated on a daily basis. New features and applications are added almost
every day. Free-CGI.com is always under construction. If you have any comments or
suggestions, please contact free-cgi. Thanks!

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